lunedì 24 novembre 2008

Make Use of Your Professional Network on OySite to Find a Job or Business Resource!

In today's modern and technologically-driven world of business, online tools are arguably the most effective starting point to any job search. For that reason, OySite, the newest web-based business networking platform, dedicates an entire portion of its site to job and business resource-related capabilities.

All users can upload a resume (in addition to sharing information on their personal profile) in order to promote themselves throughout their own professional network as well as to be circulated throughout the online community at large. Furthermore, the website is set up in such a way to facilitate the matching of individuals searching for employment opportunities and career developments with businesses and organizations in need of greater resources in order to ensure successful growth.

The wide range of applicable criteria to any job posting or search allows for greater flexibility for both the employer and employee. Layering this feature on top of the core functionality of a business-networking tool generates significant value-add to all users by creating a direct link between contacts, references and recommendations and real employment opportunities.

OySite enables users to conveniently and effectively meet others while promoting themselves and their businesses within their professional network.

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