mercoledì 12 novembre 2008

Further Analysis of the ATI Radeon 4800 Series GPU's

The stage has been set. It is now early May, and also the release time of the new ATI GPU's: The ATI 4800 Series. Expected to be released soon, the excitement is at a record high.

However, recent rumors have come around, and said that ATI x1250 is actually using GDDR3 and GDDR5 RAM on their new flag ship 4800 series GPU's. Although numbers and specs of hardware, especially GPU's, do not correlate directly to how the GPU will perform, this is an interesting strategy, that may make the difference between victory and failure.

Another interesting part of this whole ATI release is that Radeon x1250 has decided to completely skip over GDDR4. Why? No one really knows. However, I believe that the reason why they skipped GDDR4 is that their engineers could not come up with a favorable circuit plan to fully and efficiently utilize GDDR4. There may be other reasons, but that's what I believe.

Furthermore, ATI is also releasing another dual-GPU card. This GPU will be a lot like its predecessor, the ATI 3800 series dual GPU card, but with the RV770 core chip. This will be another massive card, just like its predecessor, and I expect it to perform quite well. Its predecessor scaled very, very well; and since ATI Radeon x1250 has been improving a lot in every aspect from price-to-performance ratio to raw performance, I expect this new dual-GPU card to be a threat against NVidia's 9900 series dual-GPU's.

Now comes the conclusion. What will happen? Well, NVidia will most likely have a hard time going against ATi to say the least. With ATi's current momentum from its success with the ATI Radeon 3850 series GPU's, ATi has a greater chance of succeeding more than NVidia's 9900 series GPU's, and maybe take the crown away from NVidia all together. This will, indeed, be an extremely exciting battle between ATi and NVidia.

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