First off when about to be late on a payment, Payday Loans, Judgment Loans, and even Tax Return loans seem to be a quick fix to make the payment on time. Though the truth is in reality, they will cost you a lot more than they save you. While it is good to avoid a late charge, the $30 fee is far less than a possible $125 on a payday loan. Judgment loans often cost as much as 50% of the judgment, and even tax return loans cost money you can better put in a payment. Waiting the short periods they are these days
Cash advances on credit cards cost an awful lot, and paying one card or loan with another credit card is just a path bound for even more debt. Eventually you will get the late charges anyways and possibly added over-limit fees. It?s best to avoid using credit cards for anything other than short-term financing (such as 3 months and you?ve paid it off). Another bad idea on these is the free service trials (often one month) they often offer for a small credit to your account. If you don?t cancel in time, they charge you the service fee, often $100 or more for travelers clubs, and other things.
When it comes to loans, if you find good rates, it?s wise to payoff credit cards and tear them up accept for maybe one for emergencies where you really will need to buy things such as auto repair so you can continue to get to work and earn.
Don?t agree to pay more than you make, and don?t get into things that will require this of you. If this occurs, odds are credit cards are in the formula too. Paying off one card will be one less minimum payment. If you have any with small balances, paying them off would be wise.
Applying for too much new credit will show up on your credit report, and may inadvertently cause your interest rates to be raised on some types of credit (credit cards for sure). It will also make it more difficult to get better finance to help you get ahead.
Pawn shops seldom ever give you enough for what they hold, and in the end you pay them anyways to do so. Further, if you can?t keep up with it, it goes away. Rather than pawn shops and things like that, selling off what you have that you don?t need can help take a big chunk out of what you owe elsewhere. Often if you are creative enough, you will get more than you will find at pawn shops.
Where can you get help and a better shot at catching up and beyond? There are consulting services, many voluntary, that can help you find a way to get a grip on your debt, general budget, and negotiate payments that you can make on payday. They can work you into good debt consolidation loans as well.
Overall, now you have a lot of ideas of what not to do. Enjoy not getting caught in the ruts they may bring.
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