giovedì 11 dicembre 2008

Remove Complaints

Are You A Victim Of Rip Off Report /

It may be difficult or impossible to remove rip off reports from and from the search engine results. We've found the best way to remove rip off report negative listings is to dilute the first, second and third page of results with more relevant web pages about your company - thus making the negative postings stay out of view. This makes it seem as if the Rip Off Report has been removed, when in reality it has been pushed back to a search result page rarely if ever visited. The end result is that the report has been 'effectively' removed. A good online reputation management firm can help you remove listings.

What Not to Do

Many people make the mistake of posting responses to their tormentors on - Doing this can and usually will make the problem much worse! By posting responses you are 'freshening' the post, and even adding more keywords to the post - thereby helping the negative posting rise in search engine results - the opposite of what you want it to do. To Remove a complaint you must be cautions not to add fuel to the fire. Hire a reputation defender to help you!

What to Do

Search engines will not ban a page just because it contains false information due to free speech rights. However, diluting and pushing back negative postings is possible and even encouraged. While getting an entire page of search results to move may seem like a daunting task... well, it actually is. But we've done it many times and may be able to help you. By adding new, relevant content like web sites, press releases, blogs, blog comments, video, articles, social media and more to the search engine index, and optimizing each of them, we can dilute the negative results and drive them back to where they are seldom if ever seen. Use our reputation management services and remove complaints.

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