martedì 28 ottobre 2008

Why Many Parents Choose Baby Wearing

Baby wearing is carrying your bustling baby with you with the help of a baby carrier or a sling on your front, back or hip. Parents through generations have been using clothes or other natural materials to tie their babies to themselves as they went about their work. There are now a plethora of baby sling options that are available which are stylish, comfortable and fun. The practice of baby wearing has been around for ages as a practical way to have your baby with you as you do your daily tasks.

Most parents say that their babies make less fuss when they are carried. Studies have shown that infants of the baby wearing cultures cry less. It has also been proven that sling babies spend a lot of their time in a state of quiet alertness. This is the state when the baby is content and is able to interact with the environment properly. It is the best state for learning a baby can experience. When babies are more alert it is also the best time for parents to interact with them. Studies have again shown babies that are carried showed improved auditory and visual alertness as well.

One of the most important reasons why most parents wear their bustling babies is convenience. Babies need to be held but at the same time the parents have to get about their work. Baby wearing is the best option in such a case. It leaves your hands free to go about your tasks. Baby wearing makes parenting much easier. If you have more than one child, it is necessary that you keep your hands free to take care of the needs of the other children. Using a baby carrier or sling, this can be accomplished while giving the closeness and warmth that a newborn needs.

The benefit of using baby slings to carry your children, however, goes far beyond the convenience factor. Babies need to be in physical contact most of the time. Keeping a baby in close skin-to-skin contact has been shown to encourage physical growth as well as neurological development. Additionally, babies that are carried by their parents tend to have a better sleep patterns, cry less, and tend to be more interactive.

Carrying babies in ring slings helps the parents and babies bond well and also enables them to adapt to the outside environment. It fosters a sense of security in the baby. Baby wearing makes it possible for your baby to feel your body heat, smell your scent, and feel close to you. Babies need to be held quite a bit and with baby wearing, this can be achieved.

Baby wearing is also practical when you go on day trips. It is much more convenient than a stroller when you are taking public transportation; it is much easier to carry infants in ring slings. Also baby wearing is very cost effective. Baby carriers are much less expensive than strollers. If you want to save money you can also make your own sling as there are patterns available online for you to use.

So if you are on the lookout for a convenient way to carry your baby around, baby wearing is a great option that both you and your baby will love.

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