lunedì 22 settembre 2008

Mining finance "hot" with online investors

Mining finance is one of the hottest investments available, with private investors going online to find good, solid projects worldwide.

Whether it's gold mining finance, coal production, oil exploration or any other in-ground asset based project, investors are flocking online, locking in projects worth billions of dollars.

With world stockmarkets in recent turmoil, private commercial finance provides a solid alternative for private investors who have switched their focus to in-ground assets.
If the mine is currently active, owned free and clear and the applicant has a current A 43-101 geological report, they are in a strong position to obtain mining finance.
Alternative energy is also a hot investment opportunity, particularly as climate change continues to impact on the world and governments encourage the development of alternative energy fuels.
Ethanol fuel development projects are particularly popular in the wake of recent oil prices which saw the price of gas go through the roof.

Ethanol, whether it be corn ethanol, or bio ethanol, is attracting hundreds of millions of dollars as investors explore ethanol fuel finance opportunities.

Ethanol fuel projects must be ready for consumers, with research and development projects considered.

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