martedì 19 febbraio 2008

Where to find a sample essay and how to use it?

A sample essay can be found in several places. Many books offer samples of essays. Books which deal with how to write essays have some samples always. There are books as well which only have a collection of essays. The internet is a major source for finding sample essay.

Basic web searches with the topic of the essay being put within quotes throws up a lot of sites have essays on that topic or featuring those words. Then there are essay writing services and sites which offer customised essays. Such sites offer ready made essays which can be submitted to the school or college. Unlike the other sources, these sites charge money for their services as these essays can be used without any modifications.
 Sample essays can be found on almost any topic. There are sample essays which on personal statements that one has to submit to colleges during the application process, sample essays on course assignments and even contest essay. These course assignment essays are on almost all subjects ? literature, history, medicine, physics, chemistry, computers, geography, statistics, mathematics, psychology, philosophy, physical education, accounts, commerce, law, art history, film studies, women?s studies, engineering, library science, etc.

Sample essays (unlike customised essays which can be used as they are) cannot be submitted as they are. If one is procuring the essay from the internet, then the assessor or examiner can do a simple search on the internet and find the essay. Then the student will be accused of plagiarism and penalised. Therefore such essays are to be taken as a model. One can either take ideas from it and write the essay in one?s own words or one can change the words of that essay and rewrite it in one?s own words so that there is no longer any remarkable similarity between the two essays. The way to go about it is to make sure that no four words are exactly the same in both the essays.

Sample essays can sometimes be just read in order to figure out what is required of a topic. For examples, the critical essay topic can be puzzling or ambiguous. Reading sample essays can give an idea as to what is required of the topic and then one can write one's own essay.
 Another way of using samples as models is by citing them both in the bibliography as well as within the essay. However, most users of sample essays rarely follow this method as it is too close to the essay being submitted.

A sample essay can be ordered through several essay writing web sites. These web sites provide unique essays which means that no copy of that essay will be found on the net or in print. The price of these customised unique essays is quite high though. However, sample essays have existed since the beginning of the form of the essay with Montaigne and Bacon. Great essay writers of the past have followed earlier examples. The difference lies though between the words 'following' and 'copying'.

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